Typical jdub:
"What is this 1975 that you speak of?"
for years , we were told to wait until 1975!.
the end was coming and we better be ready—or else!.
were you around during this “momentous “ time??
Typical jdub:
"What is this 1975 that you speak of?"
alright, so what is the deal with the thousands coming to the states right at election time seeking asylum?
i'm not up on this, usually try not to be, but how can this not be manipulative?
it's either manipulative in the size of the group and pressure that creates, or in where it started or who started this, etc.
"If America is SOOOOO Evil, why do all these people want to come here?"
They want to come here for all of the free stuff they're going to get. Think of it as a welcome package.
lm getting conflicting advice.ls it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
"Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?"
Does it really matter? Most witnesses will tell you that it's Jesus, the 144,000 or the governing body. But to them, it's all the same.
i never understood this in my entire life in the borg.. who knows how many angels there are, millions, billions?.
an angel protected rahab when the walls of jericho fell.
then one angel killed 24,000 one night.. yet there seems to be this paranoia in the borg like the bunker video and the field video where jw's are under attack and apparently alone or at least it appears alone.. can't a few angels be put on overtime and protect the brothers from the potential "authorities" that wish to harm or eliminate them?.
@ RubaDub:
"Can't a few angels be put on overtime and protect the brothers from the potential "authorities" that wish to harm or eliminate them?"
Overtime! LOL! Maybe Jehovah's heavenly organization is cutting back too!
i’ll start it off.
boy did we get drunk last night.
"How did kangaroos find their way on to the ark?"
i think she’s very intelligent and dignified.
plus, in my humble opinion, i rate her as the most attractive first lady ever..
Dolly Madison was pretty hot back in the day.
didn't they use to print crossword puzzles in the awake?
i vaguely remember my mother doing them, and me trying to do them when i was a small child.
is this an accurate memory or could i be thinking of a non-jw publication.
The org likes to get rid of things that are fun. But you already know this.
i've seen many topics about how things are changing or might be changing in jw doctrine/culture.
some have extrapolated how those changes would result in declining jw membership.
i'm curious to know what changes others think would stabilize those numbers.
Let women wear pants to the meetings.
this is an example of a story that just strikes me as funny from their publications:.
"wilson, a christian from ghana, was notified that in a few days, he would be fired from his job.
on his final day at work, he was assigned to wash the private car of the managing director of the company.
It's like finding money in someone else's wallet.
one of my best friends is in the security business.
he told me the other day of how the watch tower has been in contact with his good friend and business associate.
evidently they are inquiring about putting cameras into every kh so that they can do 24 hour monitoring.
Many kingdom halls already have security cameras, at least outside anyway.